Initiation Phase (July-December 2021)

Stakeholder Workshops & development of initial draft of principles.

Discovery Phase (February-March 2022)

Demand & capacity data. Workforce trends and future analysis.

Development Phase 1.1 (March-April 2022)

Stock-take of current position. Revamp of draft principles. Production of enabling ‘tools’ and future roadmap.

Innovation & Collation Phase (May-June 2022)

Future Facing Conversations & Outputs. Consolidation of outputs to inform Strategy intelligence.

Development Phase 1.2 (May-June 2022)

Drafting of contextual narrative to include inclusion of informing content such as White Papers, other System strategies, LTP priorities etc.

Approval Phase (July 2022)

ICS Executive Sign-off & wider System Exec approval

Enablement Phase (August 2022 onwards)

Outputs of strategy informing talent pipelines, resourcing, new models of delivery etc. Interdependency mapping. Regular reporting & updating

Context & Background

  • The ICSD Workforce strategy will focus on the future workforce requirements points of view in terms of workforce gaps and how these will be addressed by workforce transformation. Therefore will not include wider elements of inclusion, wellbeing, engagement etc as these aspects are captured at System level through the People Plan Program and also at organisation level within their own People Plan Strategy's
  • NHS People Plan - ICSD have identified 4 pillars and underlying workstreams, these outline how we will deliver the NHS People Plan at a system level.
    • Resourcing
    • Learning & Education
    • Workforce Strategy
    • Best Place to Work
  • The Workforce Strategy will be further informed by the ICSD Clinical Strategy and will include our System approach to addressing the workforce elements of the Adult Social Care and Integrated Care White Papers.
  • Developing a Workforce Strategy across the ICS will be approached as 'people-first' not 'finance first' - how many do we need and how do we use alternative workforce that provides a safe service and is recruitable. Cost needs to be considered but isn't the driving factor at this stage.
  • High level of agreement that we need service redesign & workforce transformation supported by digital innovation to happen at scale and pace. Workforce Delivery Leads have been appointed to support the LTP Workstreams and People Plan Pillars that will support the delivery of the Strategy.
  • Organisational engagement across all System partners is critical to the success of the development and delivery of the Workforce Strategy.