The next phase in the development of the Workforce Strategy is to move from workforce mapping to workforce planning. To do that we need to think about how we will apply the workforce principles at both a system level and at an organisational level.
This Self Assessment Tool offers resources to help us plan at an organisational level: highlighting what we are already doing and which aspects of workforce planning require development. By making a return, you will be contributing to the development of the Workforce Strategy at a system level too.
The self assessment comes in two parts, with the first split into 5 sections. Everything you need is contained below.
- Colleagues completing this self assessment should read the vision for One Devon in 2035.
- Colleagues should complete the self assessment questions.
- Colleagues should complete the 2035 workforce 'demand' profile (This MUST be undertaken from the perspective of the 2035 One Devon vision and within the context of the self assessment)
You are asked to complete and return your Self Assessment by 31st March 2023. This is designed as an ongoing tool to assist your organisation with workforce planning activities in the coming years. All the returns from across Devon will be collated, and will help inform and underpin the One Devon Workforce Plan to be published in spring 2023.
Self Assessment Process and Definitions for Part 1
Organisations across One Devon are being asked to coordinate and complete this Workforce Planning Self-Assessment. The criteria below outlines the minimum supporting evidence required to demonstrate that your organisation is delivering and working in line with the One Devon workforce ambitions. This Self-Assessment asks organisations to:
- assess themselves against the Self-Assessment Criteria and to map themselves against the criteria using the definitions ‘emerging’, ‘developing’, ‘maturing’ and ‘thriving’. Please see full definitions below.
- provide narrative in line with the headings of:
- How well does your organisation perform in this area?
- How do you know this? Please supply examples.
- What actions will you take?
- How long will it take to make changes?
For each of the elements described above, organisations are asked to outline in no more than 250 words for each question what they need to maintain, improve or do differently and provide a timeframe for these to be implemented.
Emerging - We do not demonstrate this principle and may need further development over the coming 5 years. The organisation feels it has some evidence to support the principle but is not confident it is consistently maintained. The organisation and stakeholders feel there is room for improvement around this principle.
Developing - We do not fully demonstrate this principle currently and need to develop / discuss this further to be better prepared over the coming 5 years. The organisation is not confident in being able to achieve working through this principle. Further work is required to generate support for improvement or progress.
Maturing - We are confident that we are demonstrating this principle in most of our work. To meet this definition the organisation needs to be confident that it has workforce policies and practice in place and stakeholders / partners support this statement.
Thriving - We know that we demonstrate this principle in all our work. We have evidence to support that, including stakeholder confirmation and now need to maintain this focus over the coming 5 years. The organisation has feedback processes in place and is confident that an external process could independently gather similar feedback locally. The organisation is confident in maintaining and working through this principle as core practice.